• Potent Cartography:

    Open All Ports

    Participatory Illumination 02.26.16

    Connecticut College, New London, CT

    Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology

  • 02.26.16 @Open All Ports

    An experiment in rapid live illumination. Fifteen minute collective exploration of ourselves as ports, connecting to share (export and import) information. Noticing what language we use to communicate about ourselves. Discerning exportance and importance. Sensing the energetics of words.


    Illumination of Self

    What do we share when speaking about ourselves with others? Participants were asked to share three things about themselves with the person next to them. Almost all pairs were meeting for the first time at the event. Warm colors document the collective language used to self-illuminate in those conversations. Cool colors reflect language used when asked to write three things about essential self when sourced in potential. These were not shared in conversation. Which body of language is more illuminating?

    Energetics of Exportance

    exportance (adj): something of significance that bubbles up from within that yearns to emerge & be shared

    Participants responded to the question "What is exportant?" in the context of the Open All Ports Symposium, then sorted all responses based on the energy or feelings those words evoked. 

  • Official Article

    Potent Cartography is a process that usually spans long periods of time. In New London, CT, it is being used to illuminate flows in/from/through/between an endeavor called Spark, a community-run workshop and learning center for people who like to make things and make things happen.